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Listing games beginning with C:

(184 titles found)
C.Y.A.D. - A Game of InfluenceCabalCabaret AsteroidsCadaverCaesarCalendar QuizCalifornia GamesCalifornia Games IICampaign - Tactical & Strategic War SimulationCannon FodderCannon Fodder 2Cap'n CarnageCaponeCaptain BloodCaptain DynamoCaptain Planet and the PlaneteersCaptiveCarcharodon - White SharksCardiaxx (Electronic Zoo)Cardinal of the Kremlin, TheCaribbean DisasterCarlosCarnageCarrier CommandCarthageCartoons, TheCarVupCarVup - The Final FrontierCasinoCasino RouletteCastle MasterCastle of Dr. BrainCastlesCastlevaniaCastors Juniors dans la Foret, LesCatch'emCave MazeCave RunnerCedric and the Lost SceptreCeltic LegendsCenturion - Defender of RomeCenturyChallenge of the Matrix, TheChambers of ShaolinChamonix ChallengeChamp, TheChampion DriverChampion of the RajChampions of KrynnChampionship CricketChampionship GolfChampionship ManagerChampionship Manager '93Championship of EuropeChaos Engine 2, TheChaos Engine 2, The (AGA)Chaos Engine, TheChaos in Andromeda - Eyes of the EagleChariots of WrathCharlie ChimpCharlie J CoolCharlie J Cool (AGA)Charly (Dragonware)Charon 5ChaseChase H.Q.Chase H.Q. II - Special Criminal InvestigationCheckmateChess Player 2150Chessmaster 2000, TheChip's ChallengeChristoph KolumbusChristoph Kolumbus (AGA)Chronicles of Omega, TheChrono QuestChubby GristleChuck RockChuck Rock 2 - Son of ChuckChuck Yeager's Advanced FlightTrainer 2.0Chuckie Egg IICiemna StronaCircus GamesCisco HeatCity CarsCity DefenceCivilizationCivilization (AGA)CJ's Elephant AnticsClassic Arcadia & Baby ArcadiaClassic Board GamesClassic InvadersClever & SmartCliffhangerClik ClakClockwiserClown-o-ManiaClu Clu LandClub & CountryClub Football - The ManagerClue - Master DetectiveClue!, TheClue!, The (AGA)Cluedo - Master DetectiveClystronCobraCobraCogan's RunCohort - Fighting for RomeCohort II - Fighting for RomeColmena, LaColonizationColonizationColony, TheColorisColossus Bridge XColossus Chess XCommandoComputer Scrabble DeluxeComputer Third ReichConan the CimmerianConflict - EuropeConflict - KoreaConquerorContinental CircusCool WorldCorporate RaidersCorporationCorruptionCorsariosCorxCosmic SpaceheadCosmostruction - A Space Game of Skill and StrategyCover Girl Strip PokerCraps AcademyCrash GarrettCrash LandingCrazy CarsCrazy Cars IICrazy ConesCrazy SeasonsCrazy ShotCrazy SueCrazy Sue Goes OnCreatureCreaturesCribbage King & Gin KingCricket AmigaCricket MastersCrime CityCrime Does Not PayCrime TimeCrime WaveCrimson CrownCross Out the IntruderCrossCheck - Eishockey ActionCrownCruise for a CorpseCruncher FactoryCrusade, TheCrystal DragonCrystal HammerCrystal Hammer '93 EditionCrystal PalaceCrystal QuestCrystals of ArboreaCube-XCubixCubulusCurse of EnchantiaCurse of RA, TheCurse of the Azure BondsCyber CopCyber KickCyberball - Football in the 21st CenturyCyberblastCybercon IIICybergammonCybernautsCybernetix - The First BattleCybernoid II - The RevengeCyberpunksCyberzerkCycles, The - International Grand Prix RacingCytron

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