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Listing games beginning with R:

(218 titles found)
R-Ther (1983)(Acornsoft)[bootfile] [SSD]R-Ther (1983)(Acornsoft)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Race (19xx)(Paul Forrest)[RACE start] [SSD]Race Chase (19xx)(-)[RACE start] [SSD]Racer (1982)(Beebug)[a][RACER start] [SSD]Racer (1982)(Beebug)[RACER start] [SSD]Radio Amateur Software (19xx)(8-Bit)(TBI-66)[bootfile] [SSD]Raid Over Moscow (1986)(U.S. Gold)[a][RAIDLOA start] [SSD]Raid Over Moscow (1986)(U.S. Gold)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Raid Over Moscow (1986)(U.S. Gold)[RAIDLOA start] [SSD]Rainbow's End (19xx)(-)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]RAM-ROM (19xx)(Watford Electronics)[bootfile] [SSD]Ransack! (1987)(Audiogenic)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Ransack! (1987)(Audiogenic)[h TSTH][t][bootfile] [SSD]Ransack! (1987)(Audiogenic)[t][a][CHEAT start] [SSD]Ransack! (1987)(Audiogenic)[t][a2][CHEAT start] [SSD]Ransack! (1987)(Audiogenic)[t][CHEAT start] [SSD]Ransack! (1987)(Audiogenic)[t][RANLOAD start] [SSD]Rasillion (19xx)(M. Donnelly)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Ravage (1985)(Blue Ribbon)[a][RAVAGE start] [SSD]Ravage (1985)(Blue Ribbon)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Ravage (1985)(Blue Ribbon)[RAVAGE start] [SSD]Ravage (1985)(Blue Ribbon)[RAVLOAD start] [SSD]Ravenskull (1986)(Superior)[a][bootfile] [SSD]Ravenskull (1986)(Superior)[bootfile] [SSD]Ravenskull (1986)(Superior)[h TSTH][bootfile-tape] [SSD]Ravenskull (1986)(Superior)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Ravenskull (1986)(Superior)[h TSTH][t +3][bootfile] [SSD]Ravenskull (1986)(Superior)[RAVEN start] [SSD]Rebel Planet (19xx)(-)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Red Arrows, The (1985)(Database)[a][REDARW start] [SSD]Red Arrows, The (1985)(Database)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Red Arrows, The (1985)(Database)[REDARW start] [SSD]Red Moon (1985)(Level 9)[a][REDMOON start] [SSD]Red Moon (1985)(Level 9)[a2][REDMOON start] [SSD]Red Moon (1985)(Level 9)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Red Moon (1985)(Level 9)[REDMOON start] [SSD]Redcoats (19xx)(-)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Reluctant Hero (19xx)(-)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Renegade Robots (1983)(Senator)[bootfile] [SSD]Renegade Robots (1983)(Senator)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Renegade Robots (1983)(Senator)[LOADER start] [SSD]Repton (19xx)(Superior)[a][bootfile] [SSD]Repton (19xx)(Superior)[a2][bootfile] [SSD]Repton (19xx)(Superior)[bootfile-BBC&Electron] [SSD]Repton (19xx)(Superior)[bootfile] [SSD]Repton (19xx)(Superior)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Repton (19xx)(Superior)[h TSTH][t +5 C. Richardson][bootfile] [SSD]Repton (19xx)(Superior)[h TSTH][t +6][bootfile] [SSD]Repton (19xx)(Superior)[h TSTH][t +8][bootfile] [SSD]Repton (19xx)(Superior)[REPTON start] [SSD]Repton 2 (1985)(Superior)[a][bootfile] [SSD]Repton 2 (1985)(Superior)[bootfile-BBC&Electron] [SSD]Repton 2 (1985)(Superior)[bootfile] [SSD]Repton 2 (1985)(Superior)[h TSTH][a][bootfile] [SSD]Repton 2 (1985)(Superior)[h TSTH][a2][bootfile] [SSD]Repton 2 (1985)(Superior)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Repton 2 (1985)(Superior)[h TSTH][t +5][bootfile] [SSD]Repton 2 (1985)(Superior)[REPTON2 start] [SSD]Repton 3 - Around the World in 40 Screens (1986)(Superior)[a][bootfile] [SSD]Repton 3 - Around the World in 40 Screens (1986)(Superior)[bootfile] [SSD]Repton 3 - Around the World in 40 Screens (1986)(Superior)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Repton 3 - Around the World in 40 Screens (1986)(Superior)[h][a][bootfile] [SSD]Repton 3 - Around the World in 40 Screens (1986)(Superior)[h][bootfile] [SSD]Repton 3 - Around the World in 40 Screens (1986)(Superior)[h][REPTONF start] [SSD]Repton 3 - Repton Thru Time (1988)(Superior)[h TSTH - FIG][bootfile-with editor] [SSD]Repton 3 - Repton Thru Time (1988)(Superior)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Repton 3 - Repton Thru Time (1988)(Superior)[h TSTH][t][bootfile-infinite lives] [SSD]Repton 3 - Repton Thru Time (1988)(Superior)[h][t][RUN !BOOT start] [SSD]Repton 3 - Repton Thru Time (1988)(Superior)[h][t][THRU start] [SSD]Repton 3 - The Life of Repton (1986)(Superior)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Repton 3 - The Life of Repton (1986)(Superior)[h][a][bootfile] [SSD]Repton 3 - The Life of Repton (1986)(Superior)[h][bootfile] [SSD]Repton 3 - The Life of Repton (1986)(Superior)[REP3 start] [SSD]Repton 3 & Editor (1986)(Superior)[a][bootfile] [SSD]Repton 3 & Editor (1986)(Superior)[bootfile] [SSD]Repton 3 & Editor (1986)(Superior)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Repton 3 & Editor (1986)(Superior)[h TSTH][t +7][bootfile] [SSD]Repton 3 & Editor (1986)(Superior)[REPTON0 start] [SSD]Repton 3 Disc (19xx)(8-Bit)(TBI-45)[bootfile] [SSD]Repton Infinity - Master Version (1988)(Superior)[bootfile] [SSD]Repton Infinity (1988)(Superior)[a][RUN !BOOT start] [SSD]Repton Infinity (1988)(Superior)[b][bootfile] [SSD]Repton Infinity (1988)(Superior)[cr Tom Seddon][DRIVE 2-bootfile] [SSD]Repton Infinity (1988)(Superior)[data] [SSD]Repton Infinity (1988)(Superior)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Repton Infinity (1988)(Superior)[RUN !BOOT start] [SSD]Repton Utilities (19xx)(-)[b] [SSD]Return of Flint (19xx)(Potter Programs)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Return of R2 - BBC Version (1987)(Blue Ribbon)[b] [SSD]Return of R2 - BBC Version (1987)(Blue Ribbon)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Return of R2 - BBC Version (1987)(Blue Ribbon)[h TSTH][t][bootfile-Master] [SSD]Return of R2 - BBC Version (1987)(Blue Ribbon)[ROFR2 start] [SSD]Return of the Diamond (19xx)(-)[a][DIAMOND start] [SSD]Return of the Diamond (19xx)(-)[a2][DIAMOND start] [SSD]Return of the Diamond (19xx)(-)[DIAMOND start] [SSD]Return of the Warrior - The Rising of Salandra - Part 2 (19xx)(Larsoft)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Return to Eden (1984)(Level 9)[a][EDEN start] [SSD]Return to Eden (1984)(Level 9)[a2][EDEN start] [SSD]Return to Eden (1984)(Level 9)[EDEN start] [SSD]Return to Eden (1984)(Level 9)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Revenge of the Flying Bunnies (1985)(Simon Pithers)[a][BUNNIES start] [SSD]Revenge of the Flying Bunnies (1985)(Simon Pithers)[BUNNIES start] [SSD]Revenge of the Snowmen (19xx)(Micro User)[a][REVENGE start] [SSD]Revenge of the Snowmen (19xx)(Micro User)[REVENGE start] [SSD]Reversa Square (1984)(Trevor Truran)[a][REVSQR start] [SSD]Reversa Square (1984)(Trevor Truran)[REVSQR start] [SSD]Reversi (1982)(Acornsoft)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Reversi (1989)(W.H. Scholten)[REV2P start] [SSD]Reversi (19xx)(Acornsoft)[bootfile] [SSD]Reversi (19xx)(Acornsoft)[REVERS1 start] [SSD]Reversi (19xx)(Acornsoft)[REVLOAD start] [SSD]Reversi v2.32A (1982)(D. Thompson)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Reversi vB1.1 (1983)(Beebug)[REVERSI start] [SSD]Revise GCE-CSE Biology (1984)(Acornsoft)[bootfile] [SSD]Revise GCE-CSE Mathematics 1 (1984)(Acornsoft)[bootfile] [SSD]Revise GCE-CSE Mathematics 2 (1984)(Acornsoft)[bootfile] [SSD]REVS - 1 track (19xx)(Acornsoft)[bootfile] [SSD]REVS - 1 track (19xx)(Acornsoft)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]REVS - 4 tracks (19xx)(Acornsoft)[h Bryn][a][REVS4TR start] [SSD]REVS - 4 tracks (19xx)(Acornsoft)[h Bryn][REVS4TR start] [SSD]REVS - 5 tracks (1985)(Acornsoft)[bootfile] [SSD]REVS - 5 tracks (19xx)(Acornsoft)[a][bootfile] [SSD]REVS - 5 tracks (19xx)(Acornsoft)[bootfile] [SSD]REVS - 5 tracks (19xx)(Acornsoft)[h TSTH][a][bootfile] [SSD]REVS - 5 tracks (19xx)(Acornsoft)[h TSTH][bootfile-improved vehicle] [SSD]REVS - 5 tracks (19xx)(Acornsoft)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]REVS - 5 tracks (19xx)(Acornsoft)[REVSZAP start] [SSD]REVS - 5 tracks Manual (19xx)(Acornsoft)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Rick Hanson (1985)(Robico)[h TSTH][bootfile-tape] [SSD]Rick Hanson (1985)(Robico)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Rick Hanson Trilogy, The - Saga of a Spy (1986)(Robico)[a][bootfile] [SSD]Rick Hanson Trilogy, The - Saga of a Spy (1986)(Robico)[bootfile] [SSD]Rick Hanson Trilogy, The - Saga of a Spy (1986)(Robico)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Rick Hanson v2 (1986)(Robico)[a][RHANSON start] [SSD]Rick Hanson v2 (1986)(Robico)[a2][RHANSON start] [SSD]Rick Hanson v2 (1986)(Robico)[RHANSON start] [SSD]Ricochet (1989)(Superior)[a][bootfile] [SSD]Ricochet (1989)(Superior)[a2][bootfile] [SSD]Ricochet (1989)(Superior)[bootfile-BBC&Electron] [SSD]Ricochet (1989)(Superior)[bootfile] [SSD]Ricochet (1989)(Superior)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Rig Attack (19xx)(Tynesoft)[a][RIG1 start] [SSD]Rig Attack (19xx)(Tynesoft)[ATTACK start] [SSD]Rig Attack (19xx)(Tynesoft)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Rig Attack (19xx)(Tynesoft)[RIG1 start] [SSD]Rik the Roadie (1987)(Guest, Hamblett, & Gardiner)[a][RIK start] [SSD]Rik the Roadie (1987)(Guest, Hamblett, & Gardiner)[a2][RIK start] [SSD]Rik the Roadie (1987)(Guest, Hamblett, & Gardiner)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Rik the Roadie (1987)(Guest, Hamblett, & Gardiner)[RIK start] [SSD]Ring of Time, The (1983)(P. Gibbs)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Ripoff IX (1985)(Howard Spurr)[RIPOFF9 start] [SSD]Ripton (1986)(A&B Computing)[a][RIPLOAD start] [SSD]Ripton (1986)(A&B Computing)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Ripton (1986)(A&B Computing)[h TSTH][t +3][bootfile] [SSD]Ripton (1986)(A&B Computing)[RIPLOAD start] [SSD]Road Runner (1983)(R. Hanson)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Road Runner (1983)(Superior)[a][bootfile] [SSD]Road Runner (1983)(Superior)[bootfile] [SSD]Road Runner (1983)(Superior)[ROADRU start] [SSD]Robin and Marian (19xx)(Micro User)[a][ROBIN start] [SSD]Robin and Marian (19xx)(Micro User)[ROBIN start] [SSD]Robin of Sherwood (19xx)(Adventure International)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Roboman (19xx)(Alligata)[a][ROBO start] [SSD]Roboman (19xx)(Alligata)[a2][ROBO start] [SSD]Roboman (19xx)(Alligata)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Roboman (19xx)(Alligata)[ROBO start] [SSD]Robomania - The Ultimate (19xx)(S. Greenman)[a][ROBOMAN start] [SSD]Robomania - The Ultimate (19xx)(S. Greenman)[ROBOMAN start] [SSD]Robot Chase (1982)(F.K. Pretorius)[RBTCHSE start] [SSD]Roboto (1985)(Bug Byte)[a][ROBOTO start] [SSD]Roboto (1985)(Bug Byte)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Roboto (1985)(Bug Byte)[ROBOTO start] [SSD]Robotron (19xx)(Silversoft)[a][ROBOTRO start] [SSD]Robotron (19xx)(Silversoft)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Robotron (19xx)(Silversoft)[ROBOTRO start] [SSD]Robotron 2084 (1984)(Atari)[cr Simon][bootfile] [SSD]Robotron 2084 (1984)(Atari)[cr Simon][ROBOTRO start] [SSD]Robotron 2084 (1984)(Atari)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Rocket Attack (1981)(John Gooderson)[a][ROCKET start] [SSD]Rocket Attack (1981)(John Gooderson)[ROCKET start] [SSD]Rocket Raid (1982)(Acornsoft)[a][bootfile] [SSD]Rocket Raid (1982)(Acornsoft)[bootfile] [SSD]Rocket Raid (1982)(Acornsoft)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Rocket Raid (1982)(Acornsoft)[h TSTH][t][bootfile] [SSD]Rocket Raid (1982)(Acornsoft)[RAID start] [SSD]Rocket Raid (1982)(Acornsoft)[ROCKET start] [SSD]Rocket Raid (1982)(Superior - Acornsoft)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Rockfall (19xx)(D.M.)[a][ROCKFAL start] [SSD]Rockfall (19xx)(D.M.)[ROCKFAL start] [SSD]Rocky (1983)(R. Wallen)[bootfile] [SSD]Rocky (1983)(R. Wallen)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Rocky (1983)(R. Wallen)[ROCKY start] [SSD]Rohak the Swordsman (19xx)(A. Mirza)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Rolling Picture Show (1994)(GFX)[h 8-Bit](TBI-63-2)[bootfile] [SSD]ROM Manager ROM (19xx)(8-Bit)(TBI-134) [SSD]ROM Utilities (19xx)(-) [SSD]Roman Empire (19xx)(M.C. Lothlorien)[a][EMPIRE start] [SSD]Roman Empire (19xx)(M.C. Lothlorien)[EMPIRE start] [SSD]Roman Empire (19xx)(M.C. Lothlorien)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Roulette (1982)(Program Power)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Roundheads and Cavaliers (1986)(M.C. Lothlorien)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Rubble Trouble (1983)(Program Power)[a][RUBBLE start] [SSD]Rubble Trouble (1983)(Program Power)[bootfile] [SSD]Rubble Trouble (1983)(Program Power)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Rubble Trouble (1983)(Program Power)[h TSTH][t][bootfile-invulnerability & extra lives] [SSD]Rubble Trouble (1983)(Program Power)[RUBBLE start] [SSD]Rubble Trouble (19xx)(Micro Power)[a][RUBBLE start] [SSD]Rubble Trouble (19xx)(Micro Power)[RUBBLE start] [SSD]Rubik's Cube (1982)(Computer Concepts)[h TSTH][RCUBELD start] [SSD]Rubik's Cube (1982)(Computer Concepts)[RCUBELD start] [SSD]Run Silent Run Deep (1985)(Acorn User)[a][SILENT start] [SSD]Run Silent Run Deep (1985)(Acorn User)[SILENT start] [SSD]Runemagic - Secret River & Wizard's Citadel (1984)(Triffid)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Runemaker - Codename Druid (1989)(Acorn User)[bootfile] [SSD]Runemaker - Codename Druid Editor (19xx)(Chris Ruseman)[DREDIT start] [SSD]Runestaff (1987)(Squaresoft)[h TSTH][bootfile] [SSD]Russian Language and People (19xx)(T&S Culhane)[bootfile] [SSD]

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