Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (E)(Eurasia) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: ActionAdventureRole-PlayingRating: ESRB: T, CERO: All Ages, PEGI: 12+
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(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0997)
Play Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (E)(Eurasia)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #0997)
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Game Release Info (NFO):
. . . . : / / . ___:. \ \ : |// _//________.___ ____:____________ _____.__________ \ / _____\\_ \\| |/ | / _ / | | _ /__\__ \ __/____\/____\__ \ | \| / /|/ / / | | / / _ \______ /_/\ _ \|\ \ \ \// ____/ [ | \ < \ /\ / / \ \ \\/ / |\ / ______\ \__________|_____\ /_____________\_______/______\________ \ /| | \ \ ---- --------- : ---- \____\ ----------- ----- -------- ---- / / | | \\ \ / // | | / / IS PROUD TO BRING YOU ON MAY 5TH, 2003 \ \MTX! | // / \ \\ | |/ / >> CASTLEVANIA: ARIA OF SORROW << \ \| / // \\ \ . / COMPANY...: Konami - SYSTEM....: Game Boy Advance \ . :// ORIGIN....: Europe - SIZE......: 64 MBit \\: |/ LANGUAGE..: Multi 3 - FILENAME..: EUR-CAOS.ZIP \| | English, Francais, Deutsch | | | | URL.......: | | | | | `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--' .-/ /->> RELEASE NOTES: <<----------------------------------------------\ \-. | | | Wow! Did we do it again?! YES! | | | | Today, we once again bring you Castlevania, this time 4 days | | prior to European retail. We've been proud to present you | | every Castlevania for the Game Boy Advance and this title is | | certainly no exception. | | | | Peoples' first impressions of our Japanese release are that this | | title is absolutely stunning, but we'll let you be the judge! | | | | Support Konami on this one! | | | | Enjoy! | | | | | `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--' .-/ /->> GAME NOTES: <<-------------------------------------------------\ \-. | | | It's the most exciting Castlevania adventure yet! The year is | | 2035 and Soma Cruz is about to witness the first solar eclipse of | | the 21st century when he suddenly blacks out – only to awaken | | inside a mysterious castle. As Soma, you must navigate the | | castle's labyrinths while confronting perilous monsters at every | | turn. But beware, you must escape before evil consumes you! | | | | Features | | | | * Collect the souls of enemies to learn their abilities. | | | | * Exchange souls with your friends using the Game Link Cable. | | | | * Collect and wield multiple weapons - each with their own | | attacks. | | | | * Stunning animated characters and huge monsters intensify | | the action. | | | | | `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--' .-/ /->> APPLICATION INFO: <<-------------------------------------------\ \-. | | | Interested in being a part of Eurasia? We are currently looking | | for people to join our team. We have a strong belief in group | | friendship and we make an effort to ensure that all members get | | exceptional benefits. If you fit into any of these categories, | | please contact us for membership information: | | | | * Suppliers of unreleased console games around the world. If you | | have access to games and have spare time, we can train you and | | give you access to the necessary tools and hardware to make | | your job easier. | | | | * Site affiliations worldwide. If you host a site and are looking | | for a great affiliation, contact us to establish a relationship. | | | | If you fit into any of these categories, please contact us. | | | `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--' .-/ /->> GREETS: <<-----------------------------------------------------\ \-. | | | Crazy Nation, Echelon, High-Society, Kalisto, Lightforce, | | Mode 7, Nightfall, Oldskool, Paradox, RSiSO, SAC & Venom. | | \ / | `--/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ \--' .-/ /-------------------------------------------------------------------\ \-. |/ /\_ __ ESTABLISHED IN 1997 ___:. __ _/\ \| / // ______._ __:____. _____:____. \ /_____. _____. ____:___._______.\\ \ \ \_| ___/ | | _ \_\__ | __/__\/_\__ |_ \___ \/ | \___ |_/ / |\ \_ __/ | | / < _ |___ //\ _ _/ / __/ | | | \__ _/ /| |\ |_\___\_____|__\___\_____|_____/___\_____| /_____\_____|_____/___/_| /| : \ \ : : : / / : \\ \ FOR PLEASURE, NOT PRESSURE! / // \\ \\ // // \ / |
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