Boulder Dash EX (E)(Patience) ROM
Nintendo Gameboy Advance / GBA ROMs
Genre: ActionRating: ESRB: E
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Download Boulder Dash EX (E)(Patience) (2.3M)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1186)
Play Boulder Dash EX (E)(Patience)
(Nintendo Gameboy Advance Release #1186)
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You have the option of playing Boulder Dash EX (E)(Patience) in your browser, right here at EmuParadise! No need for any software, no installations required, all you need is a fast enough PC and a browser with Flash support. This is great if you're on a PC with restrictions on software installations or want to secretly play at work.Play Boulder Dash EX (E)(Patience)
Game Box Art:![]() |
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Game Release Info (NFO):
.: :| . \--||--/ . __|_)\ || /(_|__ _\\ | ': | //_ __________ _______________: ___________ |________ _____ _______ bC! __\\ _ /_\__ \_ _/_\ /__ _/ __.--:\ /_\ _| _\ _/ ____ \ / / _ | | '' | __/' ' l _ | \ __|__ __/' / | _____/ \ _| | | \ | / ' \| / \ | :_____| '---.______\:___.---':--.___:---\______::--/_____:__________\--\_____: | | . ___ __ | PATiENCE | __ ___ . \_:.____\\___\\-----|-- - - --|-----//___//____.:_/ || : PROUDLY PRESENTS : || _ ______||__ _ _ __||______ _ :' Boulder Dash EX (C) Kemco ': r e l e a s e i n f o s - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - 27/09/03 :.........DATE SiZE.........: 32 MB EUR :.......REGiON SYSTEM.......: Game Boy Advance Ger/Eng/Fr :.....LANGUAGE FiLENAME.....: r e l e a s e n o t e s - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Based on the arcade classic Boulder Dash, the game features the entire original arcade game, a new mode featuring enhanced graphics and gameplay, and anime-style cutscenes between levels. In all, Boulder Dash EX will take players through six worlds, 50 new stages, 100 classic stages, and 50 versus mode stages. Thegame alsofeatures a link-cable multiplayer mode that supports up to four players. URL : a p p l i c a t i o n i n f o - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - We are currently looking for : * New suppliers : You have unreleased console game (JAP/USA/EURO: we release all territory dupe because the gamers wanna play in their own language). You wanna join a group for the fun, and not for the war... * New affiliations: We are looking for new european affils Are you interested ? Do you fit into these categories ? Feel free to contact us at *@*.com ! g r o u p n o t e s - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Contact....: *@*.com ( soon ) Greets.....: WAR3X , DRAG00N - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ascii injection provided by basic! |
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