The EmuParadise Preservation-Progress-O-Meter

Welcome to the EmuParadise Preservation-Progress-O-Meter. Our goal has always been to preserve and present retro games in the best possible way. To this end, we let our members upload screenshots, descriptions, and videos of the games that they love and remember with fondness. Our members also earn points for these additions to the site which can then be redeemed for free rewards, subscriptons, etc.

Current Drive: 16-bit Systems

Completion Status

For EPs 16th Birthday, we're launching a new initiative where we'd like to get YOU to help us complete our catalog of games by submitting screenshots and descriptions for all the 16-bit titles that we have! We're starting this initiative with all 16-bit systems that we have, so the Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, PC-Engine, etc.

How to use it

The Preservation-Progress-O-Meter shows you a list of games that do not currently have approved screenshots, descriptions, or videos available for them. You can go through the list of games and add screenshots,descriptions, and videos for the games that you like. Once your submissions are approved, you'll get your EP points and the Preservation-Progress-O-Meter will move closer to Complete.

You will need to have a free EPForums account and be signed in to add stuff to the site. Signup is instant and secure.

Let's get these systems complete folks! On to 100%!

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