ROMs » Nintendo DS » P » Pokemon - SoulSilver Version (U)
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Game Description & Reviews:
Pontinho rates this game: 5/5While it is, at its core, the same game that you've played many years ago, it still manages to feel new and the updated features bolster the original experience in a manner that never intrudes and only enhances. Put short, this is a lot of fun and something that a huge amount of DS owners should look into.
And for the record, if you are planning running this on the No$Gba, this can help you:
Enter the cheat code (Action Replay) below:
020DD9E4 E1A00000
Otherwise the screen will be permanently dark and you wont be able to enjoy the game.
deshorty rates this game: 5/5This has never, ever left my game cartridge from the moment I got it. The reason for this? Pokemon is a great way to just spend a few hours and feel like you've acomplished something.
I can highly recommend this game to anyone and to people of all ages. Younger players can still kick ass in this game, even if they don't understand the deeper mechanics. Older players can easily pick it up and finely tune their pokemon to become the best that they can be to destroy others online.
emberic1329 rates this game: 5/5This is a remake of the original Pokemon game silver with some new things thrown in. One of the major differences is that your pokemon follow you around now. This game is amazing and I highly recomend it to anyone who is a fan of the series.
yourmomma noobz rates this game: 5/5This game is the best rpg videogame ever! It's definintely a step-up from silver. The plot is the same, but it feels new. This game also provides an incredible cinematic feeling, and introduces noobs into the game very well. The soundtrack is better than the hoenn games, as well. Get it, even if you don't like hoenn!!!!
A Great Remake rates this game: 5/5Pokemon SoulSilver is a remake unlike any other that I have played. This gem of a game sticks to the original formula of Pokemon while still updating on all of the outdated features. It is an amazing game jam-packed with all of the action that you could want. Although I did grind a bit, it never got to the point where it felt cumbersome.
Pokemon SoulSilver is an rpg through-and-through.
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