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Sega Dreamcast Japanese ISOs
Posted by MasJ @ Thu, 28 Jan 2010 | Message Boards

I've just added 207 Japanese ISOs for Sega Dreamcast from the redump database. These ISOs unlike the other releases we have are pure GD-ROM dumps. What this means is that you can't directly burn and play them on a real Sega Dreamcast. They're protected often by encryption or other techniques and are also usually larger than regular CDs.

However, you can definitely play these titles on an emulator with superior video and sound since they aren't re-sampled like the other scene releases. I've added over 121GB's of ISOs for you to download and enjoy so this will probably keep you busy for a while =) Have fun with the new additions, you can now find over 700 dreamcast ISOs for Direct Download here and almost 1000 if you count our community uploads too. That's quite a big number, eh! Check out our Sega Dreamcast ISOs Section.


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