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Suggest an Emulator!
Posted by MasJ @ Tue, 05 Jan 2010 | Message Boards

I'm trying to work some magic into how we work with emulation these days. We now have a brand new feature called Suggest an Emulator. It's quite simple, when you go to each game page you'll find that you can Suggest an Emulator for other users to use with that particular game. I'm sure every one of us has often wondered about which emulator to use and this should be a step towards an easy solution to that problem. Of-course we don't carry [at this point of time] that many emulators for each system so I'll have to work on our database for a bit before this is a good addition for the rarer systems. However, we do have most popular systems covered so lets start with that!

Visitors can simply see which emulators have/haven't received ratings by checking the drop-down list on every game info page. Furthermore, once we do receive a fair number of entries individual game emulator votes will start counting towards total emulator votes. These will be displayed at a later stage (shouldn't be more than a week or two to get some good votes in :D) so that users can get a general idea of which emulator works for most people in most cases.

Sounds cool ? Well I do hope that you use this system to rate emulators so that the emulation n00bs who visit EmuParadise can get some first rate help from the get-go. So what're you waiting for ? Head to our ROMs, ISOs, & Games Section and start telling us which emulator works for your favorite games! : )


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