.:Original Post:.

Nintendo DS Packs: #3001 - #3500
Posted by MasJ @ Wed, 23 Sep 2009 | Message Boards

Previously, we had posted packs of 100 Nintendo DS Roms to our Complete Rom Sets section and we covered all titles from #0001 to #3000. Today, I've added another 500 titles to the this list so now we have another 5 packs available for you:

Nintendo DS Roms 3001 - 3100
Nintendo DS Roms 3101 - 3200
Nintendo DS Roms 3201 - 3300
Nintendo DS Roms 3301 - 3400
Nintendo DS Roms 3401 - 3500

Basically those are single rar files with a 100 Nintendo DS roms in each. Good for folks who like to keep their collections complete. Find all this and more at our Complete ROM Sets Section.


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