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Save Crimson Echoes Petition
Posted by MasJ @ Wed, 17 Jun 2009 | Message Boards

Just in case you missed the news earlier, Crimson Echoes is a project that was scrapped due to a C&D letter from Square-Enix. The game was supposed to be a sequel to Chrono Trigger in the true sense [because we all know Chrono Cross wasn't ;)]. At 98% completion and shortly before the date of release the team received a Cease & Desist letter from Square-Enix and thus had to scrap the project. The folks at savecrimsonechoes.com are trying to get together a petition so that Square Enix allows the release of this fan project. To be honest, I doubt that it'll work since Square-Enix and other big corporations are pretty stubborn on these kind of things. However, you can show YOUR SUPPORT by signing the petition here.

About Crimson Echoes [from savecrimsonechoes.com]:
Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes was a fan project modification of the Chrono Trigger ROM begun in late 2004. Development continued thanks to a dedicated group of fans through 2009. By May 2009, the game featured ~35 hours of game play, 10 multiple endings, and 23 chapters, much like the original Chrono Trigger; it was around 98% complete. The plot featured the original cast as they struggled against a new villain risen from the legacy of Zeal.

Support the cause!

-> Sign the Petition


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