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Search Function Added
Posted by MasJ @ Sat, 30 May 2009 | Message Boards

Our users have been requesting a search function on emuparadise for quite a while. I spent a few hours today writing a search function to quickly search our entire database for games. The result of this can be easily seen if you move your eyes to the top-right corner of every page. There you go, that's the Quick Search field. All you have to do is type in the title for the game that you're looking for, say "Mario Kart 64" (without the quotes ofcourse..) and hit enter! That's it, you'll be shown all the versions of Mario Kart 64 that we have for you =) Pretty simple, really!

The function itself is quite rudimentary for now as you can't choose to search only particular systems but I created a temporary workaround to this. When you enter a particular section, say Sony Playstation ISO's, you'll be shown a search box to search within that section only. Pretty nifty, huh ?

I know, I know, search is pretty basic on the internet. But on the bright side, we finally have it for you! Have fun searching our enormous database! Hopefully it's now a little easier to find just the titles that you're looking for!


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