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Translations Section Updated: 425 titles added!
Posted by MasJ @ Thu, 05 Mar 2009 | Message Boards

I've updated our translations section with 425 new titles. For those visitors who aren't familiar with the translations section on emuparadise, this section deals with translating games from one language to another. There are many Japanese games (for example, Seiken Denetsu 3, Tales of Phantasia for the Super Nintendo) which were never translated into english. Now, however with the help of IPS Patches and a lot of work from independent developers we can offer you the ability to translate these games into English and enjoy them to the fullest extent.

All you need to do is, grab the Translation Patch from our Translations section, grab the Japanese ROM from our ROMs section, and then use a Patching Tool to translate these titles into English.

I've also made available the relevant patching tools on every page of the new translations section. You'll find that it's pretty convenient to patch your own ROMs and go from there : )


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