.:Original Post:.

Bittorrent Tracker Update!
Posted by MasJ @ Fri, 26 Sep 2008 | Message Boards

We've been seeing increasing amounts of traffic over the last few weeks on the Bittorrent tracker and this resulted in high server loads. Thus, with a view to plan for the future we've changed our Bittorrent tracker back-end to the C++ XBT. Earlier, we were using the XBtit tracker and since this was coded in PHP, once we hit around 1000 peers our server load would start to spike up. This new back-end should be able to handle around 10,000 peers easily without any visible effect on server load.

There was some problem with importing your PID's into the new tracker but I'll be working on that as well as some other issues. You can still use the tracker as it is accepting anonymous downloads for now. We'll be re-enforcing the PID's once this issue is resolved.

Also, a slight change is that your tracker is now located at http://bt.emuparadise.org:6969/ and the announce URL is the same as before http://bt.emuparadise.org:8989/announce.php. Thus, you don't need to modify anything, your old torrents will still show up as seeded and active. All you need to do is access the tracker at the new address.

-> Bittorrent Tracker


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