.:Original Post:.

Think of the children!
Posted by MasJ @ Wed, 30 Oct 2013 | Message Boards

For all those folks who were like .. "Hmm.. This Conker fella sure looks like a cute little dude, I bet my kids would love him!" - STOP! We now have rating advisory information :) Of course, if you'd still like your kids to play Conker's Bad Fur Day (we recommend it!) then you're welcome to! So what's this all about ?

Now, on several game pages around the site you will find rating information for the games. This means that you can make an informed choice about whether you should be playing that game with/in front of your kids or in public places - depending on the game ;) No more "Mommy! The squirrel said a bad word!"

For example, Conker's Bad Fur Day says right at the top of the page: Rating: OFLC: M15+, ESRB: M

You decide what that means to you, we're just adding more info to help ya'll out :D


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