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A faster and better emuparadise
Posted by MasJ @ Mon, 09 Jul 2012 | Message Boards

Over the past few weeks, I've made a ton of changes to emuparadise to make it faster than ever before. This post is basically to summarize what's been going on so that you guys can give me some feedback on what you'd like to see in the future.

- Pages will now load about 300% faster based on figures from Google. (I've made multiple tweaks to the way the site/ads/content is organized for this to work!)

- Most importantly - DOWNLOADS are now all hosted on multiple 10GBps servers and so you should be able to get reasonable speeds out of each and every section!

- We have a new tagging and game recommendation system. So start tagging your games and you shall receive recommendations for similar games that you may enjoy playing! You'll find the tagging interface at the top of every game info page or download page.

- Improvements in search. Our search is now more accurate and organized. You'll find that your results are neatly organized in separate tabs and you'll get more meaningful results due to our tagging system. A good example of this is that if you search for "Rockman" you'll actually get to see Megaman titles as well! This is the kind of powerful relational search that our tagging system enables! :)

Well, that's it for now but I have many more improvements and features in the pipeline. Make sure you bookmark us, tweet about us, or like our pages and keep coming back for more! Thanks for supporting emuparadise :)


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