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Emuparadise goes Mobile!
Posted by MasJ @ Wed, 25 Jan 2012 | Message Boards

It's a great day for everyone! After a few design changes (down to 2 columns, from 3) we've finally migrated to a mobile friendly design. What this means for all our Android and other mobile users is that you can now use emuparadise to download ROMs, ISOs, Games, Gaming Music, Comics, Guides, etc. directly to your mobile devices!

Try it out, just open Emuparadise.me on your mobile device and you'll see our mobile layout! It's fully functional - just like the main site, but presents a much more mobile friendly readable version. The mobile site is based on a fully responsive design that the main site uses. So we're able to run two versions of the site using a single design. It's pretty awesome and works quite well we believe!

So epforums and emuparadise are both now completely mobile friendly. Let me know in the comments if you're facing any issues with the new mobile system.

We have more awesome news coming in 2012 so stay tuned folks!

What're you waiting for ? Whip out those mobile devices and start downloading your ROMs straight onto them!


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