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Search Suggestions and Emulator Suggestions!
Posted by MasJ @ Sat, 07 Jan 2012 | Message Boards

I promised earlier that I would be making major improvements to emuparadise this year. Well, we already launched epforums on mobile and now I've implemented two new features on the site that I hope our users will enjoy.

The main new feature is search suggestions. I've written new functionality that will train and learn the most popular searches from our users and then offer suggestions 'google-style'. I will be making improvements to this feature in the coming weeks as well. As you type in words above you should start seeing suggestions show up. We're still 'training' the system so it'll take a few days for it to amass enough information for all kinds of searches. Do give it a shot though by typing in some keywords in the search box above!

Next, I've added to every game page our "Emulator Recommendations". These are powered by suggestions from our users and every game page will show you the best emulators for that game on each platform, provided we have enough data to display this to you. You'll see this recommendation right above the "Emulators (Quick Downloads)" section on each game information page. This feature is for users and by users -- so if you know the best emulator for any game, do please hit the right one under "Suggest an emulator" on the game information page.

Well, that's about it for now. Hope you enjoy the new features and stay tuned for more to come very soon!


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