.:News Archive:.

Welcome to the Emuparadise.org News Archive. This archive will show you a history of the news that has been posted on EmuParadise.org in the past. You'll see new additions, new updates, competitions and their results, and more interactive events which have been held on Emuparadise.org. If you've been looking for some information and haven't been able to locate it, the News Archive is the right location to begin looking. This is the place that everything is documented and kept here at emuparadise.org. Navigation is quite simple, first, please choose the month and year you'd like to view the news for and then you'll be shown all the posts made in that particular month. Pretty simple!

HTTP or FTP - you choose!
Posted by MasJ @ Sun, 18 Nov 2012 | Message Boards

We used to run all our downloads through ftp back in the day because it's just more reliable, what with it being called file transfer protocol. However, many of our users did not have ftp access and therefore we had to make the switch to http. Enter complaints about interrupted downloads, corrupted files, and more.

So what's the solution ? You choose! :)

I've just added a new feature that allows you to choose whether you'd like to download files using http or ftp.

  • HTTP is usually fine for smaller files. Downloads startup quicker and are quite reliable.
  • FTP is really good for larger files. Downloads may take a few seconds to start but will progress smoothly (and sometimes faster!) from there on.
  • You set your preference and we'll remember it for all your downloads.
  • You can change your preference at any time!

Here's how you can set your preference. You'll see this on all game download pages:

So what're you waiting for ? Enjoy downloading from emuparadise as always. Whether it's http or ftp that you prefer =)

ePSXe 1.8.0 out now!
Posted by MasJ @ Sun, 11 Nov 2012 | Message Boards

It was announced a few weeks ago that a new ePSXe release was in the works. Well, it finally happened! There's a brand new version of this awesome Playstation emulator. Here's what's new:

  • Many fixes to the cd-rom decoder and core that fixed almost 150 games

  • Improved input devices support

  • On the fly memory card change

  • Fixed changedisc feature

  • Support for SBI subchannel files

  • Support for PBP disc images

  • Cheat codes support

Quite a few awesome changes and additions! You can grab the new version at our ePSXe 1.8.0 download page.

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