ROMs » Neo Geo Pocket - Neo Geo Pocket Color (NGPx) » Sonic the Hedgehog - Pocket Adventure
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Game Description & Reviews:
OverviewOne of the most well-received games on the Neo Geo Pocket Color, Sonic the Hedgehog: Pocket Adventure is a traditional Sonic game, complete with Chaos Emeralds, Dr. Robotnik, and even a multiplayer mode.
SharinganLust rates this game: 5/5Sonic The Hedgehog - Pocket Adventure was a title released for the Neo Geo Pocket Color in December 1999. Pocket Adventure includes multiple levels from Sonic The Hedgehog 2 and various music from across the Hedgehog's titles. This game HAS to be the best handheld Sonic The Hedgehog title I've ever played. The mechanics are perfected to the utomost touch, enemies are familiar and old, and the graphics are amazing. There are multiple features, including multiplayer and mini games. If you own a Neo Geo and never owned the title, do yourself a favor. It's well worth the money.
DeriLoko2 rates this game: 5/5Sonic the Hedgehog - Pocket Adventure is a game that was developed by Dimps and Sonic Team. The game was published by SNK and Sega. This game is similar in level design and gameplay to Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for Sega Megadrive, but with mostly new bosses. It also includes a few graphics from the original Sonic the Hedgehog, as well as music from Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic Jam. Special features such as puzzles and multiplayer options were also added.
ilikepie641 rates this game: 5/5Sonic pocket adventure is a game for the neo geo pocket color. It has the classic level designs of sonic the hedgehog 2 for the sega genesis, the music from sonic 3 and knuckles for the sega genesis, and sonic jam for the sega saturn. It's still a classic and is a nice compilation of classic sonic memories, and its portable! What else could you want ?
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