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Thread: Halo 2 released...early?

  1. #31
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    All I know is that if Halo had not been a launch title I doubt it would have faired near as good as it did. Since it was a launch title is was one of the few games you could play when it was released so more people played it. Then all this Halo 2 stuff wouldn't be as big. When will you ppl realize that this game is way overrated?

  2. #32
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    Actually even if Halo wasnt a luanch title, the game would still be a badass game. There were alot more luanch titles that people baught and played, and then they ended up not playing them anymore due to Halo. The game is BadAss, Face.

  3. #33
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    Wrong, Halo plain sucks.
    *PSA* Wii Redump collector's can now unscrub ISO files. So scrubbed games can now be verified. You can find the program to do this here

  4. #34
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    No, you plain suck. Its good if you really get into the game, but by far the game does not suck.

  5. #35
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    Here are more links concerning the Halo 2 leak, though they pretty much all
    say the same thing:

    BBC News
    The Inquirer
    The Register
    ARS Technica
    Yahoo! News 1
    Yahoo! News 2
    The Motley Fool (lol, must read)
    Design Technica

    And for those who want this version REAL bad, look around for the filename:


    Look HARD. It shouldn't be too difficult to find.

    As for this little bit of Halo-bashing, which hardly has any valid argument,
    whether or not a game appeals to you is merely a question of taste. Any
    respectable gaming expert will tell you that Halo is innovative in it's genre.
    The storyline, graphic engine and playability will tell you that right away. It
    didn't generate all that money 'just because' it was a launch title. There are
    only 2 reasons for which someone may dislike a game: 1 - They perform
    poorly at the game, 2 - They are not fond of this kind of game. Hence, the
    only thing you CAN say is that you don't like this game, not that it 'plain
    Last edited by BloodyEnigma; 21st-October-2004 at 07:12.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hangman
    And if the game is 100% complete, why hasn't Microsoft set an earlier release date? It's not like this games needs the Christmas rush to sell it...
    It doesn't need the Christmas rush to sell it, however if they start selling it for the Christmas rush that means they can post a profit for the project for the 4th fiscal quarter (which is very good for a variety of reasons). In the end it all comes back to money :)
    -Mason Gray: Less vowels, same great consonant taste.

  7. #37
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    Exactly. It's the reason companies often hold out until the holidays to release thier big games. Halo doesn't need the help, but it doesn't exactly hurt either.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by BloodyEnigma
    Any respectable gaming expert will tell you that Halo is innovative in it's genre.
    The storyline, graphic engine and playability will tell you that right away. It
    didn't generate all that money 'just because' it was a launch title.
    What... Inovative... How, their is nothing Innovative about it. I would say any gaming expert (if their is such an profession) would tell you that it's just another FPS that took ideas from many games... like Perfect Dark.

    It's not really that great. Not a bad game, but it's no GoldenEye.
    Last edited by GundamGuy; 21st-October-2004 at 13:23.

  9. #39
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    If you're going to look at it like that, then the same can be said from damn near any other FPS ever released. I'm not hugely into the game myself, I never played it 'till it came out on PC, but I can still acknowledge that it was a good, solid game - which is a damnsight more that I'd say about half the shooters going around these days.
    It had an interesting storyline, top-notch graphics (for the time), well designed and intergrated vehicles, and pretty good multi-player support. Things which not many other shooters of that period could match.
    At the very least HALO was a stand-out title and, considering the bloated games market, that says a fair bit about it's quality. If you can't accept that then you are a blinkered fool.
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  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by GundamGuy
    What... Inovative... How, their is nothing Innovative about it. I would say any gaming expert (if their is such an profession) would tell you that it's just another FPS that took ideas from many games... like Perfect Dark.

    It's not really that great. Not a bad game, but it's no GoldenEye.
    That is a matter of aquired taste, GundamGuy, aquired taste. I would
    continue to reveal to you the futility of your statement, but Psyonide has
    already disemboweled you on every aspect. By the way, whoever said
    anything about a profession?

    Video game expert: knowledge and command of many game styles, extensive gaming experience.

  11. #41
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    Shoot badies, checkpoint, shoot badies, another checkpoint, shoot yet another overwhelming amount of badies, checkpoint, die, restart, repeat...

    Innovative my ass...

    It had an interesting storyline, top-notch graphics (for the time), well designed and intergrated vehicles, and pretty good multi-player support. Things which not many other shooters of that period could match.

    At the very least HALO was a stand-out title and, considering the bloated games market, that says a fair bit about it's quality. If you can't accept that then you are a blinkered fool.
    Storyline was nothing spectacular, I must say... Graphics are what you'd expect from the XBOX at the time... Multiplayer was nothing overly different to what was out there on the PC at the time, and the single player missions were just... Well... badly designed... The inclusion of vehicles does not make it a better game at all...

    It was hyped... Overly hyped... Good game...? Maybe... I've seen better...

    If anyone has unbiased info regarding Halo 2, please post it...

  12. #42
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    OK, first, a so call "Video game expert" would know that Halo is just like any first person shooting game. for example, doom, halflife, many others. the only reason why it sells well, is because of newbie to the first person shooting game, got it, and say its good because of its graphics and somewhat ok storyline. halo is really not much different then the doom we play for the supernintendo. halo is slow and unnatural movement. the only things that is attractive (to newbie) is that you can ride on trucks, airplanes, and shoot at aliens, and the online capability. compare to some of the title thats out their, halo2 is only for people who is new to gaming and want to say "I just got halo2 and its so freaking awsome" the people who has been playing shooting games for a while know that doom3 and halflife2 can easily best halo2.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by KONAMI Man
    Shoot badies, checkpoint, shoot badies, another checkpoint, shoot yet another overwhelming amount of badies, checkpoint, die, restart, repeat...

    Innovative my ass...
    Entirely redundant, as I've said, because that can be said for nearly any other shooter. DOOM? Shoot badies, collect keys, flip switch, rinse, repeat. Halflife? Shoot badies, checkpoint, shoot badies, checkpoint, rinse, repeat.
    UT/Q3? Shoot badies, look at scores, shoot badies, look at scores, rinse, repeat. Wow, that was a real effort trying to debase those games, some of the best FPS games, with your argument.

    Storyline was nothing spectacular, I must say... Graphics are what you'd expect from the XBOX at the time... Multiplayer was nothing overly different to what was out there on the PC at the time, and the single player missions were just... Well... badly designed... The inclusion of vehicles does not make it a better game at all...

    It was hyped... Overly hyped... Good game...? Maybe... I've seen better...

    If anyone has unbiased info regarding Halo 2, please post it...
    I think the word I used was 'interesting', not 'spectacular', and there's a world of difference in that. Besides, in a genre that quite often has a token storyline and nothing else, having an interesting storyline is something that makes a game stand out. At least, for those who actually care about the plot of games.

    The graphics are what you'd expect from the XBOX at the time? Yes, its easy to say that now three years down the track. At the time, however, those kind of visuals hadn't really been seen before, and that's exactley why it blew so many people away. Go back and read some reviews, see just how many people thought the graphics were standard fare. I'll save you some trouble, the answer will be 'very few, at most'.

    As for the missions being badly designed, in what way? HALO is a story-driven game, and the missions did well at guiding you through it without making the areas too restricted. The only real complaint I could think of is that a lot of the building design had a samey feel about it, but that doesn't detract much from the gameplay experience.

    Now, the vehicles. No, having vehicles in a games doesn't make it a better game by default, but that's hardly the case here. As previously stated, they were well designed, well made, and a whole lot of fun. People like the idea of vehicles in FPS games, most people do anyway. Hell, there were rumours back in the day of Duke Nukem 3D (before it was released) that it was going to feature a drivable motor-cycle! People were excited about that, just like they were about the talk of vehicles in UT2003. Then Ut2004 came out and everyone loved them. What about the Tribes series? Those games wouldn't have been half as good without the vehicles in them, I imagine.
    Sure, if the vehicles were only there for eye-candy, then you'd be right. But they were thoroughly integrtated into the plot and it's a better game for it, I'd say.

    Over hyped? Yes, for sure. I agree with you on that 100%
    I had to sit through lit-class with a couple of people who would talk about HALO, nearly non-stop, practically every day. I was ready to strangle them after the third day of it, and I was damn sick of hearing about HALO. But, most big games are hyped up far too much - there's very little you can do about it. In the end, it didn't stop me from enjoying playing through the game, as it shouldn't for anyone else.
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  14. #44
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    Settle down children, settle down. I hope for your sake that you kids aren't
    doing this to be part of the "cool crowd", or whatever kind of idiotic folly
    that has taken hold of you.

    DomonX, you shouldn't ignore what strongbad told you. It is a very serious
    problem and it creates bad communicaiton between people. Revise your english.
    KONAMI Man, even if you're dissapointed about the 'limitations' of the
    campaign mode, it seems you're oblivious to the fact that the multiplayer
    mode is the source of the Halo craze. And it's the graphic engine, storyline and
    playability that were innovative AT THAT TIME, there's no need to single out
    the campaign mode.

    Fact: Whatever may be your negative take on this game, there are over 4
    million copies sold, XBox tunnel softwares with Halo as their main (and
    most of the time, their only) source of traffic and various nationwide
    and worldwide (big-money) halo tournaments which are still being organised
    TO THIS DAY that will tell you otherwise.

    Once again, the only thing you CAN say is that you don't like the game.
    Of course, it is your choice if you fail to see what is blatantly obvious.

    KONAMI Man: Get a clue, and a better perspective of the world around you.
    DomonX: Learn how to structure your sentences.
    Last edited by BloodyEnigma; 22nd-October-2004 at 14:45.

  15. #45
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    Yes, I'm defending a decent game to be 'cool'... no, really...
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