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Acorn ROMs
Posted by MasJ @ Sat, 16 Jan 2010 | Message Boards

I've just added a huge number of Acorn ROMs for the Archimedes, BBC Micro and Electron home computers. For those of you that aren't aware, the Acorn home computers were released in the UK as competitors to the Sinclair Spectrum, Commodore 64 and Amstrad CPC. While the computers didn't do that well initially, they ended up outlasting all their competitors in the market. There were a large number of games released for these computers and I've added them to our ROMs section today. Here's a breakdown of what we have:

Acorn Archimedes - 165 ROMs
Acorn BBC Micro - 4764 ROMs
Acorn Electron - 869 ROMs

You can grab them all at our ROMs, ISOs, & Games Section under the heading Computers.


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