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Nintendo DS Alphabetised, GBA Extras added!
Posted by MasJ @ Mon, 08 Jun 2009 | Message Boards

Many of our visitors suggested that we alphabetize the Nintendo DS titles and make them searchable with our new search function. This is kind of difficult because Nintendo DS titles are releasing every day of the week and it's hard to continuously add and index them all the time. Thus, I've come up with a solution where you can find the LATEST titles in our New Releases Section and titles upto the latest hundred in the main roms section. What this means for you is that you'll find titles upto #3800 in our Roms Section and later titles in our New Releases. Once, #3901 is out, the main section will be updated to reflect the new additions.

Apart from this, I've also added High Quality Box Scans of Nintendo DS titles upto #1200. I'm still looking for more scans since these are hard to come by indexed in the right order for us [we follow the Advancescene dats]. For the Gameboy Advance Roms, I've added Box Scans, Titles, Screenshots and NFO's for every game uptil #2769! The pages look pretty sweet with all this extra info included in them. Check 'em out right away!

-> Nintendo DS Roms (Sorted Alphabetically)
-> Gameboy Advance Roms (With all the pretty pictures)


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