.:Original Post:.

EU File Mirror added!
Posted by MasJ @ Mon, 27 Oct 2008 | Message Boards

It feels great to announce that we've added an EU mirror for all of the content on emuparadise. This means that you'll get faster file downloads and thus be able to play your games much sooner! We've effectively doubled our capacity to 200Mbps of available bandwidth. Also, I've removed bandwidth caps from the downloads so if you find that you're getting slow downloads from one server, feel free to try the other mirror. EU visitors should definitely choose the EU mirror as it will give you the highest speeds. (US visitors should also try the EU mirror if you find that you're getting slow speeds from the US mirror -- as this is usually under a high load..)

Expect more updates to follow this week! : )

Note: Just to clear up some confusion, the EU mirror is just a file mirror. It doesn't have PAL versions of games or anything of the sort. The versions are same on both servers, they're just mirrored in two locations now for your convenience.


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