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New Feature - Send to Dropbox!
Posted by MasJ @ Mon, 17 Feb 2014 | Message Boards

This one's good! Lately, a lot of emulators (especially ones that run on mobile phones) have started supporting Dropbox Sync. Basically, you can load up ROMs on multiple platforms by connecting your emulator to your Dropbox account.

So, I thought - what's the easiest way to get your games onto your phone ? Well, let's send your files straight to Dropbox! Announcing a brand new Emuparadise feature! Send to Dropbox! Here's what it looks like:

Free users can send files up to 10MB by clicking the button on game download pages. EP PREMIUM users can send files up to 1GB straight to their Dropbox! All you need to do is click the button and choose where you want to save to in your dropbox.

Try it out! There's a recent NES emulator for mobile devices called webNES that also works great with Dropbox Sync (use Mobile Safari on iOS).


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