.:News Archive:.

Welcome to the Emuparadise.org News Archive. This archive will show you a history of the news that has been posted on EmuParadise.org in the past. You'll see new additions, new updates, competitions and their results, and more interactive events which have been held on Emuparadise.org. If you've been looking for some information and haven't been able to locate it, the News Archive is the right location to begin looking. This is the place that everything is documented and kept here at emuparadise.org. Navigation is quite simple, first, please choose the month and year you'd like to view the news for and then you'll be shown all the posts made in that particular month. Pretty simple!

Dreamcast DSF Music Fixed
Posted by MasJ @ Fri, 10 Aug 2012 | Message Boards

Some of the files in our Dreamcast DSF Music Section had integrity issues and therefore would not unpack properly.

I've re-uploaded the entire DSF music section so that all files should now work. We have around 635 different music rips in there in the high quality native DSF format. You can rip these to any format (FLAC/WAV/MP3) of your choice. If you're a dreamcast music lover, you should definitely check out our Sega Dreamcast DSF Music Section.

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