Kingdom Hearts Soundtracks
An Xclusive

The Kingdom Hearts soundtrack is one of the best soundtracks on the Playstation 2, and now you can download it on! This soundtrack has been requested time and again by our visitors and it is finally available thanks to Vanit. He uploaded this wonderful soundtrack to our servers for your listening pleasure. Do enjoy the soundtrack and don't forget to vote for so that we can bring you more of the best in Gaming Music!



Disc 1:

Name: Size:
101 - Dearly Beloved.mp3 1692Kb
102 - Hikari -KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental Version-.mp3 5322Kb
103 - Hikari -PLANITb Remix- (Short Edit) Jap.mp3 3746Kb
103.1 - Hikari -PLANITb Remix- (Short Edit) Eng.mp3 2706Kb
104 - Dive into the Heart -Destati-.mp3 7024Kb
105 - Destiny Islands.mp3 2722Kb
106 - Bustin' Up on the Beach.mp3 3121Kb
107 - Mickey Mouse Club March.mp3 1458Kb
108 - Treasured Memories.mp3 2533Kb
109 - Strange Whispers.mp3 1452Kb
110 - Kairi I.mp3 1862Kb
111 - It Began with a Letter.mp3 2121Kb
112 - A Walk in Andante.mp3 1731Kb
113 - Night of Fate.mp3 3045Kb
114 - Destiny's Force.mp3 3940Kb
115 - Where Is This.mp3 2329Kb
116 - Traverse Town.mp3 1896Kb
117 - The Heartless Has Come.mp3 1116Kb
118 - Shrouding Dark Cloud.mp3 3301Kb
119 - Blast Away! -Gummi Ship I-.mp3 3058Kb
120 - Tricksy Clock.mp3 853Kb
121 - Welcome to Wonderland.mp3 2389Kb
122 - To Our Surprise.mp3 2964Kb
123 - Turning the Key.mp3 315Kb
124 - Olympus Coliseum.mp3 3028Kb
125 - Road to a Hero.mp3 2026Kb
126 - Go for It!.mp3 2953Kb
127 - No Time to Think.mp3 699Kb
128 - Deep Jungle.mp3 4310Kb
129 - Having a Wild Time.mp3 3517Kb
130 - Holy Bananas!.mp3 3714Kb
131 - Squirming Evil.mp3 2710Kb
132 - Hand in Hand.mp3 3468Kb
133 - Kairi II.mp3 1474Kb
134 - Merlin's Magical House.mp3 2297Kb
135 - Winnie the Pooh.mp3 3446Kb
136 - Bounce-o-rama.mp3 2585Kb
137 - Just an Itty Bitty Too Much.mp3 957Kb
138 - Once Upon a Time.mp3 344Kb
139 - Shipmeisters' Humoresque.mp3 3060Kb
140 - Precious Stars in the Sky.mp3 1584Kb
141 - Blast Away! -Gummi Ship II-.mp3 3141Kb

Disc 2:

Name: Size:
201 - A Day in Agrabah.mp3 3892Kb
202 - Arabian Dream.mp3 3224Kb
203 - Villains of a Sort.mp3 2411Kb
204 - A Very Small Wish.mp3 3109Kb
205 - Monstrous Monstro.mp3 2826Kb
206 - Friends in My Heart.mp3 2108Kb
207 - Under the Sea.mp3 3112Kb
208 - An Adventure in Atlantica.mp3 3414Kb
209 - A Piece of Peace.mp3 1437Kb
210 - An Intense Situation.mp3 993Kb
211 - The Deep End.mp3 2900Kb
212 - This is Halloween.mp3 3290Kb
213 - Spooks of Halloween Town.mp3 2974Kb
214 - Oopsy-Daisy.mp3 456Kb
215 - Captain Hook's Pirate Ship.mp3 3129Kb
216 - Pirate's Gigue.mp3 2531Kb
217 - Never Land Sky.mp3 1939Kb
218 - Kairi III.mp3 2117Kb
219 - Blast Away! -Gummi Ship III-.mp3 2291Kb
220 - Hollow Bastion.mp3 3501Kb
221 - Scherzo di notte.mp3 2304Kb
222 - Forze del male.mp3 5181Kb
223 - HIKARI -KINGDOM HEARTS Instrumental Version-.mp3 1574Kb
224 - Miracle.mp3 347Kb
225 - End of the World.mp3 4394Kb
226 - Fragments of Sorrow.mp3 3146Kb
227 - Guardando nel buio.mp3 6205Kb
228 - Beyond the Door.mp3 1535Kb
229 - Always on My Mind.mp3 2331Kb
230 - Hikari.mp3 7713Kb
231 - March Caprice for Piano and Orchestra.mp3 7162Kb
232 - Hand in Hand -Reprise-.mp3 1286Kb
233 - Dearly Beloved -Reprise-.mp3 1805Kb
234 - Having a Wild Time -Previous Version-.mp3 1664Kb
235 - Destati.mp3 4176Kb


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