.:Original Post:.

Happy 11th Birthday Emuparadise!
Posted by MasJ @ Sun, 27 Mar 2011 | Message Boards

11 years ago to this day, I remember writing some very basic HTML and putting it on the internet under the name 'Emuparadise'. It's amazing to see how far we've come with time in spite of all the stuff (rollbacks, server crashes, take downs, etc.) that we've had to endure. We have tons of content, registered users, and repeat contributors.

It's time to say thanks and well, I have to say that I am thankful to our visitors, our #1 resource! Thank you for coming to emuparadise and supporting us throughout the years. Your kind words, votes, donations, contributions are extremely valuable and we love that you make us your #1 choice. Also, a huge thank you to our epforums.org team who put their efforts into making our forum community as kick-ass as it is today.

We celebrated our 11th birthday by giving away a Nintendo 3DS on launch date. There was a (almost?) month-long contest and The Wha? won himself a very nice Nintendo 3DS. We received thousands of entries and were definitely super-happy with all your contributions and tweets. Big thanks to everyone for entering the competition and we shall have many more to come.

Well, that's pretty much it for now. Stay tuned for more great content, new features and much more in our 11th year. Happy Birthday Emuparadise!

The 3DS is on it's way to The Wha !? via Cookie Monster's house :D It's already arrived at Cookie Monster's place and will be shipped tomorrow to The Wha !?'s house. Pictures below:

3DS Delivery3DS Factory Seal


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