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Search Refinements
Posted by MasJ @ Thu, 13 Jan 2011 | Message Boards

I've made some major changes with how search works on the site. Now, if you do a search using the search field at the top (just type in something and hit enter) you'll be presented with results from all over the site. However, you can now refine your results by choosing a section and searching within it (sections are: All Sections, ROMs/ISOs/Games, Emulators, Gaming Music, TV-Shows/Movies/Videos, Comics/Magazines/Guides). So, if you're only interested in results in ROMs/ISOs/Games -- simply select that. If you want to search for Gaming Music, choose that! And so on..

Also, for searches within the ROMs/ISOs and Emulators sections you can even refine further into what system you want results for. So, for example, if you choose ROMs/ISOs/Games and Sony Playstation and search for Metal Gear Solid, you'll get exactly what you're looking for!

What's more, all these results also include our EPForums community uploads and more! Try it out!


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