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MAME Updated to 0.141 [125 new roms]
Posted by MasJ @ Fri, 07 Jan 2011 | Message Boards

As promised we've just rolled out a MAME ROMs update to bring our MAME section up to 0.141. There've been 125 new additions and you'll find that our ROMs section is now consistent with our earlier listing along-with the new MAME additions.

We'll soon have a MAME 0.140 to MAME 0.141 upgrade pack available as well so watch our news updates for that folks : ) Until then, you can download over 10,000 MAME ROMs at our MAME ROMs section. Or, prepare for our MAME upgrade pack by getting the MAME 0.139 set from our Complete ROM Sets section and then upgrading that to 0.140 using the update pack already available.

Update: The MAME Update pack is now available in our complete rom sets section. If you want to simply upgrade from 0.140 to 0.141 grab the MAME 0.140 to 0.141 Update Pack. All you have to do is decompress it in the same folder as your ROMs and you're set!


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