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New: Video Game Movies / Documentaries Section
Posted by MasJ @ Thu, 21 Oct 2010 | Message Boards

I've been thinking about this for a while now and there are so many obscure video game related movies out there that this just makes total sense now! So, without further ado, I present to you our brand new Video Game Movies and Documentaries Section. I know we don't have that many movies at the moment. But our collection will grow slowly and steadily! We already have some pretty rare stuff. Definitely worth checking some of it out over the weekend. Here's a rundown of what we have so far:

Deathbed Vigil - The Last Days of the Commodore 64 (Documentary)
Double Dragon - The Movie
History of Zelda (Documentary)
Quake - Escape From The Bastille
Resident Evil - Wesker's Report
Street Fighter II - The Animated Movie (Japan)
Street Fighter II - The Animated Movie (USA)
Super Mario Brothers - The Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach
Super Mario Brothers - The Movie
The Legend of Zelda - Power of the Triforce
The Legend of Zelda - The Hero of Time
Wing Commander

You can access this section by clicking on "Movies & Documentaries" on the left menu under Video, or by clicking on the same thing in our top drop-down menu (javascript required). For now, you can directly check out our Video Game Movies & Documentaries section.


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