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Sega Dreamcast DSF Music Archive
Posted by MasJ @ Sun, 14 Mar 2010 | Message Boards

I've just added a HUGE new section to our Native Gaming Music Section. In-case you didn't know, our native gaming music section covers video game soundtracks in native formats such as SPC, PSF, NSF, GYM, etc. Basically these music formats are directly ripped from games and therefore are usually the most accurate soundtracks in terms of likeness to what you hear within the game.

So today we present to you our Dreamcast Sound Format (or DSF) soundtracks section. We're carrying a total of 387 soundtracks here totalling a whopping 48GBs of music! You'll find original soundtracks for almost all the dreamcast titles that we carry. You can also convert these soundtracks to your favourite formats (mp3, flac, etc.) using freely available tools. Definitely worth looking into! So without further ado, check out our brand new Sega Dreamcast / DSF Soundtracks Section.


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