.:Original Post:.

Turbografx 16 CD / Super CD
Posted by MasJ @ Wed, 10 Mar 2010 | Message Boards

bernielindell has uploaded an awesome collection of Turbografx 16 CD / Super CD USA releases to our tracker. You'll find that this is the most complete release of titles available anywhere out there. Here's what he says:

I have uploaded a complete set of US released games for the Turbo Grafx CD/Super CD. I have also included some rare proto types, and some english translated games. ALL these have been personally tested in emulators, and actual hardware.

Sounds awesome, no ? The set is a whopping 25GB in size so you might as well get started on it early =D He's included cover art and more for each title as well! Find this amazing gem and much more at our BT Tracker. Grab the TurboGrafx 16 CD / Super CD Set. Don't forget to thank him for the effort! : )


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