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EmuParadise Game Servers
Posted by MasJ @ Sat, 16 Jan 2010 | Message Boards

There used to be a time long ago when we used to host a Kaillera Game Server for our users. We often had players on it and it used to be a lot of fun meeting, chatting and getting beaten up! In-case you didn't know, Kaillera is a client that allows you to play your old arcade games, snes games, genesis games, etc. online in either co-op or head to head mode depending on the game. It adds an entirely new dimension of gameplay to existing titles.

I've fired up two Kaillera servers for our visitors to meet and play on. It's pretty easy to setup once you have the required roms and emulators. Emulators such as MAME, Snes9X, ZSNES, Gens, etc. support Kaillera netplay.

Currently, we have two servers for you play on, one in Canada and one in Europe. I created two servers just so that you can get acceptable pings while playing online. Fighting games can be dull with high pings.

So what're you waiting for ? Check out our Game Servers Page for more info on how to connect to our Kaillera Servers. Have fun!


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