.:Original Post:.

DC-X Import Game Adapter
Posted by MasJ @ Sat, 24 Oct 2009 | Message Boards

I've just added a newly released ISO of the DC-X Import Game Adapter (Region Free) to our Sega Dreamcast ISOs Section. Basically, what this nifty little program helps you do is play Dreamcast titles designed for different regions on your PAL/NTSC Dreamcast console. So you can play Japanese (NTSC) titles on your PAL Dreamcast and vice-versa. Pretty cool huh!

Also, in-case you didn't already know, we have a pretty huge Dreamcast ISOs Section here at emuparadise. You can directly dowload over 500 Dreamcast ISOs at our Sega Dreamcast ISO Download Section. So what're you waiting for ? Grab some games, grab the DC-X Import Game Adapter and game on! : )

-> DC-X Import Game Adapter [Sega Dreamcast/Region Free]
-> Sega Dreamcast ISOs Section


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