.:Original Post:.

PS3 iso link section open for business
Posted by Ragnar @ Wed, 01 Apr 2009 | Message Boards

To celebrate the inaugural release of PCSX3 we've decided to crack open our hidden PS3 release forum. It's quite small right now with merely a dozen or so games to show (quite a feat considering games can top 20GB!!), but with some added traffic it's sure to grow :) It can be found by browsing our communities forums on the left, or by simply clicking here:


Edit: April Fools is over, and well this was a little joke :P You might think this was a bit obvious, but we did get a bunch of you (I can see hit counters on file downloads). Plus if you just skipped it cause you were sure it was all a hoax, then you missed something real and good that I hid in there ^_^ Not to worry, I'll repost it tomorrow, or sometime, for those that didn't find it...


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