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Game Rating System Added, Descriptions fixed
Posted by MasJ @ Tue, 24 Feb 2009 | Message Boards

To make your experience here at emuparadise more user friendly, I've added a rating system to the game pages today. From now on, our users shall be able to rate the games that they download on a scale of 1 to 5. This of-course will help new users know which titles are worth checking out since a lot of people like to get an idea of the best titles for any particular system.

Also, the description addition system was broken (I don't know for how long..) but I've fixed it so that you can now once more submit descriptions to emuparadise. In case you weren't aware of this feature, here's what it's all about. You can write descriptions for your favourite titles [or ones you hate too =] and submit them to emuparadise. Our team of moderators will quickly check your submission (because sometimes we get rubbish in there :P) and then approve them for display. Once approved your name, along with your submission and assigned rating appears on the game page and well, everyone's happy :)

So please, do go ahead, add descriptions and rate the titles that you download. Lets get this thing on the road folks!


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