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Massive Update - GB/GBC/NES/SMS/GG Roms (6347 titles)
Posted by MasJ @ Fri, 06 Feb 2009 | Message Boards

It'd been quite awhile since our console/handheld rom sections saw an update and hence I decided that it'd be a neat idea to update them. Today, I've added 6347 titles to all these sections. Here's a breakdown of what's been added:

Nintendo Gameboy - 1550 Roms
Nintendo Game Color - 1352 Roms
Nintendo Entertainment System - 2540 Roms
Sega Game Gear - 445 Roms
Sega Master System - 460 Roms

All of these titles are from the no-intro collection and thus are verified good rom dumps. You'll find that they have been indexed with title screens and screenshots. Please do add descriptions for your favourite games so that our index is more complete in the near future. I hope you enjoy the new additions and keep coming back for more!

-> Roms Section


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