.:Original Post:.

1389 PSX ISO's Added!
Posted by MasJ @ Thu, 29 Jan 2009 | Message Boards

Well, I've finally finished indexing the ENTIRE NTSC-US Playstation ISO set on emuparadise.org! This is awesome news for all our Playstation fans out there since you can now get any title ever released in the US right here for download! Though the number of actual games isn't 1389 (we're counting all the discs that are there for each game as well..) you get the picture. Do please help this index grow by adding descriptions for your favorite titles. We regularly moderate descriptions so that your hard work shows up on the site asap.

The number of titles added is too large to mention here. However, big thanks go out to Underground-Gamer.com for helping me snag these titles at light-speed. You can now grab all of these titles from emuparadise.org anytime that you like.

Enjoy the new additions, I hope this brings many hours of pleasurable gaming to our visitors. Do keep coming back for more. Cheers! : )

-> Playstation ISO Download Section


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