.:Original Post:.

Bandwidth Limitations..
Posted by MasJ @ Wed, 07 Jan 2009 | Message Boards

Most of our visitors must have noticed that instead of a US and EU mirror for our files, we're now serving files using only one server [the EU one..]. The reason for this is that the company our US server was hosted with [Alphared] has gone out of business and thus our US server has abruptly been shut down.

I'm looking for new hosting options. If you, or anyone you know can provide us a server anywhere [preferably the US or Europe] with about 200-300Mbps of bandwidth, I'd like to discuss options. If any of our Scandinavian visitors would be able to host stuff at home, we could make some kind of mutually beneficial arrangement. Please bear in mind that since we're not a paid service, our affordability criteria isn't very high.

Either way, we'll be expanding bandwidth shortly, once I find a reliable and affordable solution, that is. If you can hook us up, please give me a shout at masj@emuparadise.org.


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